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In my time with Sandstone I was fortunate to be exposed to multiple kinds of teams, management organization, and codebases. I would regulary work on a few clients at a time and became fluent in each of their technologies and conventions; from Shopify and Liquid served with both theme kit and Slater, to React based repositories, and traditional jQuery work.

I grew into an independent role where I was able to have full ownership of tasks and features from start to finish. I've deployed to live production builds of sites that had hundreds of thousands of visitors every month, finished time sensitive work that needed to be ready for sales that accounted for a large majority of our clients yearly revenue, met regularly with project managers, designers, and codevelopers from both my team and the clients.

Aside from client work I've also participated in code reviews, candidate interviews for new coworkers, helped them adapt to our general styling conventions and workflows, bespoke projects for marketing, and wrote internal guide documents for developer and non developer coworkers alike.

Our Headless CMS Marketing Tool

I helped create an internal application for marketing outreach using Contentful's headless CMS. The project was done in tandem with client work on a three person team between me, my boss, and a coworker.

I created relational content models and populated those with copy, created modular components that would account for styling that differed on content (differing card dimensions and quantities), created forms, applied a custom in house library that would send that form data as email responses to our team, and carried out responsive styling. This was made to be a platform for creating custom pitches to companies. I received mock designs from our in-house designer, implemented those, merged branches for features I owned, and occasionally finished branches for my coworker as needed while she focused attention on higher priority work.

I pitched the idea of creating unique url parameters to protect customized slug pages we would email to potential clients to our founder, who approved it. This was implementated by adding key strings to the content models, then matched against the url to either access the page or redirect users to the homepage using SWR's API and Next.js's useRouter hook.

Screenshots here in lieu of a live link, as the company went under before this could be completed in full

Technologies: Next.js, Contentful, SWR, Google Analytics

Our Headless CMS Marketing ToolOur Headless CMS Marketing ToolOur Headless CMS Marketing Tool
Our Headless CMS Marketing Tool

Marketing / Outreach

With our new tool close to deployment, I conducted research on new potential leads, entered copy customized per company to our CMS, reached out to people in our network, generated cold emails, managed a spreadsheet dedicated to leads, synced with our marketing assistant, and chatted with employees working at those brands.